Submit Prevention Month Events

If you would like to publicize your awareness/prevention month events on the calendar, please read these tips before submitting the request form (linked at the end of the page).

Consider the safety and well-being of survivors

Please remember to consider the safety and well-being of survivors before, during, and after your event. If the event will include a lot of disclosure about experiences of sexual or relationship violence, please consider talking with a confidential advocate from the PATH to Care Center about ways to create as much safety as possible prior to the event. Make a reminder of the event content at the beginning of each event. This is important for people who may have trauma triggers.

"The Care Line 510-643-2005 is a 24/7, confidential, free, campus-based resource for urgent support around sexual assault, sexual harassment, interpersonal violence, stalking, and invasion of sexual privacy. Advocates are available to support UC Berkeley community members as well as those who have been harmed by someone from the UC Berkeley community."

  • Create space for participants to practice self-care, and ability for participants to opt-out at any time. Avoid calling directly on participants or creating environments with ‘forced participation.’

Community agreements and guidelines

We recommend setting agreements or guidelines for the event ahead of time (in the invitation/registration/bCal) and verbally at the beginning. Suggested agreements include:

  • Be mindful of how your words and tone can impact people around you
  • Do not share other people's stories of harm with the group​, speak only for yourself
  • Maintain privacy; please share the lessons you learn here, but not any personal details about experiences that others disclose.​
  • Use inclusive language and relationships - harm happens to people of all genders and orientations
  • Engage with each other respectfully
  • Accept boundaries and limitations of others
  • We’re all teachers and learners

Remember to be clear with attendees if the event has any Responsible Employees present who will be required to make reports to Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) about incidents of Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment (SVSH).

Safety measures

If you are using Zoom, explore safety measures prior to hosting your event. Allow participants to have video/audio settings that provide them comfort and safety. It may be best not to record the event, but if that is necessary, be sure to get consent from every participant before doing so.

Be sure to designate moderators to interrupt or remove anyone who is behaving inappropriately. If a participant discloses an incident of harm, remember to respond with care & concern; avoid victim-blaming, questioning them, or pressing them to take action. Listen respectfully, thank them for sharing, and offer the PATH to Care Center’s Care Line. Learn more about how to respond and be an active bystander

If you plan to connect with participants post-event, allow attendees to opt-in, and then use BCC or an invisible email list in order to protect their identities.


Connect with Disability Access and Compliance to ensure your event is accessible to all. It’s recommended that you designate someone as Access Coordinator, who can help implement accommodations requests. Share the Access Coordinator's contact information ahead of the event.

Ready to submit your event to the calendar? Please complete the brief Google Form below:

We will review your submission before posting it on the public calendar.

The submission form is embedded on this page for your convenience. You may also visit open the submission form in a different tab or window.