The Hearing Space and Measures for Well-Being


The hearing space

  • P&T hearings have traditionally been conducted in conference space belonging to the Academic Senate in Stephens Hall. 
  • The two parties (each typically with their legal counsel) are seated apart. P&T panelists are also seated apart, accompanied by P&T's own legal counsel. Witnesses testify sitting apart from either party. There is space to accommodate a support person for the witness. Often, the two parties, the P&T hearing panel, and the place for witnesses are at four separate tables. A court reporter sits nearby.  
  • Outside the hearing space, there is a hallway and a small room in which witnesses wait their turn to testify. Parties can leave the hearing room to confer privately with their attorneys. 

Measures to ensure participant well-being

Hearings can be challenging experiences. Parties and witnesses may request a variety of reasonable measures, subject to the approval of the P&T hearing panel chair, to protect their well-being during the hearing. These include:

  • Visual and/or physical separation of the participants. This could be a physical partition in the hearing space, the ability of a witness to participate via videoconference from a separate location, etc.

  • Breaks. A witness or party in a P&T hearing can request breaks as needed.

  • Support person. A witness can bring a support person to sit quietly at their side for emotional support during testimony. In SVSH cases, it is common for complainants who appear as witnesses to be accompanied by a confidential PATH to Care advocate. PATH to Care advocates are familiar with the P&T process

Disclaimer: The descriptions on these pages are not a formal part of the Academic Personnel Manual, Senate Bylaws, the UC Policy on SVSH, or the Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Faculty Investigation and Adjudication Framework. The descriptions found here are intended to be helpful to those seeking to navigate these policies and procedures. Where differences occur between these pages and University policy, University policy and procedure govern.