Survivors have the right — and the choice— to report
If you have experienced or witnessed sexual violence, sexual harassment, relationship violence, stalking, invasion of sexual privacy, or sexual exploitation (SVSH), you have the right – and the choice – to report. Your reporting options include making a report to the University, making a report to the police, making reports to both, and not reporting at all.
Confidential Resources
Reporting can be a complicated and intensely personal decision. Survivors are encouraged to consult a confidential resource about reporting options and processes. The PATH to Care Center offers confidential support. Survivors have the right to be accompanied by an advocate during all stages of reporting and investigation. Advocates can also assist with supportive measures for survivors. For urgent 24/7 support, call the Care Line at 510-643-2005. For more information, see Support for Survivors.
Reporting to UC BerkeleyTo report a violation of campus policy involving sexual violence, sexual harassment, dating or domestic violence, stalking, and/or invasion of privacy (SVSH), contact the UC Berkeley Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD):
More information about reporting to UC BerkeleyThe University has the ability to hold faculty, staff, and students accountable for sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH) policy violations after conducting fair and appropriate investigation & adjudication processes. Persons found responsible for SVSH violations can face penalties up to and including academic suspension or expulsion and suspension or termination from employment. The University can also provide supportive measures for survivors of SVSH to help preserve their ability to attend school and/or work. The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD), the campus Title IX office, oversees campus compliance with University of California and UC Berkeley policies prohibiting protected category discrimination and harassment (including sexual harassment and violence). OPHD's oversight of these policies encompasses responding to and resolving reports of harassment and discrimination from students, staff, faculty and visitors that are related to protected class and civil rights policies. For more information, contact OPHD and see the UC Policy on SVSH. |
Reporting to Law EnforcementTo report a crime involving sexual violence, dating or domestic violence, stalking, and/or invasion of privacy (SVSH) that occurred on University property, contact the University of California Police Department (UCPD):
To report a crime involving SVSH that occurred somewhere else besides University property, contact the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction at that location. Here are a few nearby police departments:
More information about reporting to law enforcementThe police can document and investigate crimes involving sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH), and with sufficient evidence they can present the case to the District Attorney to consider for prosecution. Persons convicted of crimes might be subject to court-ordered restrictions, fines and imprisonment. Whether or not they choose to pursue a criminal investigation, survivors may be eligible for additional protections by applying to the Superior Court of California for a civil restraining order. To report to law enforcement (requests prosecution):The University of California Police Department (UCPD)provides public safety and law enforcement services on and near the Berkeley campus and its associated nearby properties. UCPD responds to emergencies and other calls for service 24/7, and documents and investigates crimes involving SVSH. UCPD can also help coordinate investigations with other law enforcement agencies. Contact UCPD to make a report and request prosecution. To report to law enforcement without requesting prosecution (for documentation only):In some cases, reports to law enforcement may be made for documentation purposes only. Ultimately, the decision to prosecute will be made by the District Attorney, although the cooperation of the victim is usually considered necessary. |
Reporting to both UC Berkeley and law enforcementSurvivors have the right to report to both law enforcement and to the university. It is important to know that these two processes are separate and distinct. Due to privacy laws and jurisdictional issues, law enforcement is not always able to share reports of sexual assault or dating/domestic violence with the University. If a survivor has reported to law enforcement and also wishes to report to the University, they have the option to also report their complaint to the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD). The PATH to Care Center may offer support and assistance coordinating interviews with both the University and law enforcement to reduce the number of times a survivor must recount their experience for reporting purposes. |
Disclaimer: The text found on this page is not a formal part of the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH) or the PACAOS Appendix E: Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Student Investigation and Adjudication Framework(link is external). The information found here should be considered one of many resources available to students when navigating these processes, policies, and procedures. Where differences occur between these pages and University policy, University policy and procedure govern.