Make your voice count. Your insights can make our community safer.
In 2018, UC Berkeley’s entire campus community was invited to share their experiences, beliefs, norms and knowledge regarding sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH) through the MyVoice Survey.
UC Berkeley plans to use the information to:
- Inform campus prevention, intervention, and response efforts
- Tailor campus programs and services to the needs and strengths of the campus community
- Learn UC Berkeley communities’ protective and risk factors for SVSH
- Acquire a prevalence rates baseline
MyVoice Data in Action

Find these and more posters utilizing MyVoice data and take part in the #weCARE campaign led by the PATH to Care Center.
Make Your Voice Count - Take the Survey
- The PATH to Care Center — For 24/7 urgent support, call the Care Line at 510-643-2005.
- SVSH Hub website
- The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination
- NORC at the University of Chicago
- Supporting Someone
MyVoice Survey Self-Care Guide
All forms of sexual violence or harassment can have an impact on anyone. As you take the survey, be sure to take care of yourself too.
- Be in a physical space that feels okay to recall events
- Take breaks (you can stop and start the survey as much as you need)
- Have a self-care plan in place for after the survey
- Self-care suggestions: get some fresh air, drink some water, write in a journal
- Connect with Support:
- UCB PATH to Care Center: 24/7 Urgent Care Line: 510-643-2005
- Bay Area Women Against Rape: 510-800-4247
- Family Violence Law Center: 1-800-947-8301