MyVoice Survey

Make your voice count. Your insights can make our community safer.

In 2018, UC Berkeley’s entire campus community was invited to share their experiences, beliefs, norms and knowledge regarding sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH) through the MyVoice Survey.

 18% of undergraduates; 32% of graduate students; 37% of faculty; 40% of staff

UC Berkeley plans to use the information to:

  • Inform campus prevention, intervention, and response efforts
  • Tailor campus programs and services to the needs and strengths of the campus community
  • Learn UC Berkeley communities’ protective and risk factors for SVSH
  • Acquire a prevalence rates baseline

MyVoice Data in Action

Most people at Berkeley would speak up about a sexist joke, redirect a condescending conversation, and seek help to stop a peer from stalking someone else

Find these and more posters utilizing MyVoice data and take part in the #weCARE campaign(link is external) led by the PATH to Care Center(link is external).

Make Your Voice Count - Take the Survey

Make Your Voice Count - Take the Survey

MyVoice Survey Self-Care Guide

All forms of sexual violence or harassment can have an impact on anyone. As you take the survey, be sure to take care of yourself too.