Want to prevent sexual harassment and sexual violence (SVSH) in your community?
UC Berkeley uses a primary prevention approach, focusing on the ability of the university, and our communities within it, to prevent harm from occurring before it happens. There are many ways that faculty, staff, and students can get involved in prevention at UC Berkeley.
Make an impact - become a proactive leader in prevention for your community. Find places to get started below.
Unsure of where to start? The PATH to Care Center is a great place to get started for anyone, including faculty, staff, students, departments, and groups. Email pathtocare@berkeley.edu for consultations and resources.
Undergraduate Student Prevention Opportunities
There are many opportunities for undergraduate students to get involved in preventing SVSH, including:
- ASUC Intimate Partner Violence Commission (IPVC)
- Email: berkeleyipv@gmail.com
- ASUC Sexual Violence Commission (SVC)
- ASUC Student Advocate's Office (SAO)
- Center for Support and Intervention: Bears that Care Peer Educators
- 510-541-9530
- Email: takeaction@berkeley.edu
- Greeks Against Sexual Assault (GASA)
- Email: gasa@calgreeks.com
- The PATH to Care Center provides consultation, workshops, leadership development opportunities, resources, and more.
- Email: pathtocare@berkeley.edu
- Instagram: @pathtocareucb
Graduate/Professional Student Prevention Opportunities
- The PATH to Care Center provides consultation, workshops, leadership development opportunities, resources, and more for teams, offices, departments, schools, colleges, divisions and other communities to promote prevention.
- Email: pathtocare@berkeley.edu
- Instagram: @pathtocareucb
Respect is Part of Research hosts a peer-led sexual violence and sexual harassment prevention workshop.
Contact email: info@respectispartofresearch.com
Employee Prevention Opportunities
The PATH to Care Center provides consultation, workshops, leadership development opportunities, resources, and more for teams, offices, departments, schools, colleges, divisions and other communities to promote prevention.
Email pathtocare@berkeley.edu for confidential consultation and resources and visit the PATH to Care Center website for more details.