Coordinated Community Review Team (CCRT) and Core Team

UC Berkeley's CCRT and SVSH Core Team

UC Berkeley has two standing committees that coordinate campus efforts to prevent and address sexual violence and sexual harassment: the SVSH Core Team and the Coordinated Community Review Team (CCRT), which hosts 3-5 working groups each year.

SVSH Core Team

SVSH Core Team (formerly Title IX Working Group) was formed in 2014 in order for campus practitioners to confer and work as a united front on SVSH-related problems confronting the campus. Over the years, its purpose has evolved from tactical coordination of campus responses to external reviews and audits, to a more proactive focus on continuous improvement of campus practices, strategic communications, information sharing, and best practices. The group meets twice a month throughout the year. It is smaller than CCRT, and has a different mission; most of its members also serve on CCRT.

The SVSH Core Team is currently chaired by the Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor. Email if you have any questions about Core Team.

Coordinated Community Review Team (CCRT)

The Role of CCRT

The Coordinated Community Review Team on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Misconduct (CCRT) is responsible for a campus collaborative approach to preventing and addressing sexual misconduct. CCRT plays an essential role in campus SVSH prevention and response efforts. As a Chancellor's committee, it serves in an advisory capacity to campus leadership and community members about policy, best practices, education, prevention, and response, with the goal of creating meaningful cultural transformation in our community.

Composed of local community and campus partners, CCRT is responsible for a collaborative approach to preventing and responding to SVSH at UC Berkeley. Student representation, interaction, and input is essential to these endeavors. CCRT is also responsible for advancing efforts to communicate messages about related campus initiatives and activities.

Every academic year, CCRT meets quarterly at a minimum.

History of CCRT

In response to the recommendations from the UC President’s Task Force on Preventing and Responding to Sexual Violence and Sexual Assault, the Chancellor replaced the Title IX Compliance Advisory Committee in July 2015 with a new broad-based community membership and structure. As of 2015, every UC campus is required to appoint a CCRT.

This requirement is consistent with past recommendations from the Department of Justice's Office on Violence Against Women for a collaborative campus response. The committee serves as part of a standardized two-team response model that is charged with addressing sexual violence.

CCRT Leadership & Contact

The current co-chairs of CCRT are:

  • Kellie Brennan, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Civil Rights, Whistleblower & Clery Compliance; Title IX Officer and Director of the Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination
  • Sharon Inkelas, Deputy Compliance Officer; Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor on Campus Welfare

Contact the SVSH Advisor Office at if you have any questions about CCRT.

CCRT Working Groups

The CCRT has several working groups focused on specific, time-bound projects which further CCRT's mission. CCRT members volunteer to participate in smaller and more specialized working groups, which collaborate on projects that help advance UC Berkeley's prevention and response to SVSH.  Each working group is co-led by at least two CCRT members with subject-matter expertise, and meets on a regular basis. The working groups report out on their progress at every CCRT meeting.

CCRT working groups have worked on a range of project areas, including: