Closing Acknowledgements

This report was produced by Ava Blustein, Special Projects Analyst and Deputy Title IX Officer for Civil Rights Programs, and Sharon Inkelas, Special Faculty Advisor to the Chancellor on Campus Welfare and Deputy Compliance Officer. This report reflects the work and insights of many campus partners. The following campus colleagues contributed significant data and edits:

  • Kellie Brennan
  • Raquel Castellanos Miller
  • Jenny Harris
  • Kelsey Yusufoglu 
  • Elliot Yancor

In addition to the individuals above, the authors particularly wish to thank the Coordinated Community Review Team (CCRT) and SVSH Core Team, whose members not only carried out the critical work reported on here but also provided feedback and support to one another throughout the year. 

As with past SVSH (and more recently Civil Rights) reports, the aim of this report is to provide a multi-dimensional view of protected category prevention, incidence, and response on the Berkeley campus. While each year is unique, each year’s report adds to the clarity of longer-term emerging patterns and trends, permitting campus partners to tailor prevention and response efforts to best ensure that members of the campus community can learn and work in an environment free of harassment and discrimination.