Find Additional Resources by Affiliation
At UC Berkeley, different resources can assist you based on your campus affiliation (whether you're a student, staff, or faculty). To find the right resources for you, please click below on the option that most closely represents your affiliation with campus.
Information about UC Berkeley's investigation and adjudication process
The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD)/ Campus Title IX Office (Office of Record): The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) is the campus Title IX office. OPHD is responsible for institutional compliance with University policies prohibiting discrimination, including the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH), which includes responding to SVSH and other discrimination complaints and concerns from students, faculty, staff and visitors. Email: |Phone: 510-643-7985 (Mon – Fri, 9am – 5pm) |
Ombuds services
- For assistance and consultation in navigating the university and managing conflict, the ombuds offices are a good place to start.
- Staff Ombuds Office (Confidential) [For staff, non-Senate academics, and faculty who perform management functions]
- Faculty Ombuds Office (Confidential) [For faculty]
- Ombuds Office for Students & Postdoctoral Appointees (Confidential) [For students and postdoctoral appointees]: The Ombuds Office is a confidential space where survivors can get help navigating informal and formal options and receive referrals to campus resources. The ombuds provides clarification on policy and procedures, assistance with academic accommodations, mediation and coaching on difficult situations. Visitors are empowered with information to make choices that best fit their needs.
Counseling services
If you have been named as someone who may have violated a campus policy or possibly committed a crime, you may be participating in a variety of accountability processes, and may experience a range of emotions and questions about your life and your future. During this time, counselors at University Health Services are available to offer you a confidential and non-judgmental space to explore your actions and their impact, experience your emotions, cope with stress, and receive psycho-education and support as you move through this challenging period.
This process can be long and you may feel uncertainty at various times. The counseling services on this page can help you identify places to start, answer your questions, and support you.
- Social Services at UHS (Confidential) [For all students]: Social Services has social workers who specialize in all areas of sexual and gender violence and harassment, including counseling for anyone who is concerned about causing harm. Social Services provides confidential individual counseling, consultation, and referrals. There is no fee for counseling services.
- Phone: 510-642-6074
- For after-hours emergency consultation with a counselor or crisis resource referrals, students may call 855-817-5667.
- Counseling and Social Services (CAPS) at UHS (Confidential) [For all students]: Counseling & Psychological Services at UHS/Tang offers a broad range of counseling services
- Phone: 510-642-9494
- 3rd floor, Tang Center, 2222 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, CA 94720.
- Please be aware that although counseling sessions are confidential, records may be subpoenaed in the event of a court case.
- Visiting Scholars and Postdoctoral Appointees:
Additional resources
Student Advocate's Office [For students]: Berkeley’s student government (ASUC) offers the Student Advocate’s Office which has a staff of student volunteers committed to providing support and advocacy to students involved in alleged violations of misconduct or academic dishonesty. Student Advocate's Office staff are not Responsible Employees, however are not confidential and they do not have evidentiary privilege, and therefore they may be compelled to reveal information by a court of law.
Phone: 510-642-6912
Student Legal Services (Confidential Resource) [For students]: Student Legal Services advises currently registered UC Berkeley students regarding their legal questions, rights, and obligations. Please review the information and materials on Attorney for Students page before making an appointment - they may answer your questions.
Phone: 510-664-7487
Berkeley International Office (BIO) (Responsible Employees) [For all affiliates]
Phone: 510-642-2818
Office for Faculty Equity and Welfare (Responsible Employees) [For faculty]: The Office for Faculty Equity and Welfare can provide consultations, and welcomes conversations with:
- Assistant professors about the tenure process
- Faculty about equity and welfare
- Search committees about process
- Chairs/deans about challenging situations
- Academic personnel staff about policies