April is Sexual Violence Prevention Month (SVPM), also known as Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), and UC Berkeley students, faculty, and staff will be hosting events throughout the month that will equip our community with information on how to prevent sexual violence, create a stronger culture of consent, and best support survivors.
UC Berkeley is dedicated to preventing and addressing sexual harassment and sexual violence on campus. We believe in fostering a culture that prioritizes consent and respect, and responds to and supports survivors and their allies. As part of these efforts, we are working to engage all members of the university community to create a healthy and inspiring environment where violence in any form is not tolerated.
- Submit your SVPM events to be posted on this calendar!
- Please review the Guide to Hosting Sexual Violence Prevention Month Events before you submit your event.
April 2024 SVPM Events Calendar
April 3rd | Kick-Off to SAAPM Tabling
10:30am-1pm, Upper Sproul Plaza
Join the PATH to Care Center in a 'Kick-Off to SAAPM' tabling event! We will be handing out resources, discussing the importance of SVSH prevention, taking photos and collecting messages in support of survivors from the campus community. Stop by to learn more, spread awareness, and support survivors!
More information to be found on @pathtocareucb.
Organized by the PATH to Care Center in collaboration with the ASUC Sexual Violence Commission and ASUC Student Advocate’s Office (Grievance Division).
Contact: Eliana Galán (elianagalan@berkeley.edu) and Frances Chai (francesschai@berkeley.edu)
April 4th | Building Safe & Healthy Families: Communication Skills
5-7pm, University Village Family Resource Center
Please RSVP
Join the PATH to Care Center for a series of prevention workshops for student parents & UVA residents. Programs aim to foster safety, skills development, and community building for families at Cal. Food & children’s activities are provided!
Organized by the PATH to Care Center.
Contact: Alison Hanson, PATH to Care Prevention Coordinator, akhanson@berkeley.edu
April 10th | Rooted in Rest (Take Back the Night Session)
3-4pm, Location will be provided after intake
Rooted in Rest is a special offering of a rest session on Wednesday, April 10th, 2024 3-4pm by PATH to Care Confidential Advocate Riss Myung, Certified in Somatic Embodiment and Self-Regulation Strategies. This rest session will be in person at a Confidential Location (which will be released upon completing this registration form and an intake with Riss), featuring deep breathing exercises and self contact/swaddling/holding exercises. Co-sponsored by GenEq, this is a lead up to Take Back the Night on April 11, 2024.
Please sign up at tinyurl.com/TBTNrootedinrest.
Organized by the PATH to Care Center and the Gender Equity Resource Center.
Contact: Carolyn at 510-642-1988 or carolyn.sohn@berkeley.edu.
April 10th and 11th | PATH to Care x Berkeley B-Side Band Night Promotional Tabling
10:30am-1:30pm, Upper Sproul Plaza
Come learn about the Band Night SAAPM Fundraiser on Friday, 4/12! We will have event promotion fliers alongside SVSH prevention and response resources. There will be opportunities to be featured on our social media and a giveaway to enter! Stop by to learn more, spread awareness, and support survivors.
More information to be found on @pathtocareucb.
Organized by The PATH to Care Center and Berkeley B-Side.
Contact: Simone Pereira (simonepereira@berkeley.edu) and Maya Moukarzel (mouk2002@berkeley.edu)
April 11th | Take Back the Night 
4-6pm, Campanile Esplanade
Take Back The Night is an event that empowers survivors and creates a survivor-centered community space where we come together to reclaim public space to combat and educate on themes surrounding sexual violence. This event includes an open mic that allows community members to share stories, experiences, and feelings around SVSH, and performances uplifting attendees.
Sign up for the open mic tinyurl.com/tbtnopenmic24 and RSVP for the event tinyurl.com/geneqrsvp24.
Organized by the Gender Equity Resource Center and the PATH to Care Center.
Contact: Joanna Villegas, joannavillegas@berkeley.edu, 510-230-3254.
April 12th | Cal Self Defense for All (CSDA): Empowerment 101
2:30pm, 691 Social Science Building
Organized by the Gender Equity Resource Center (GenEq)
Contact: Joanna Villegas at Joannavillegas@berkeley.edu
April 12th | "Denim Daze" – PATH to Care x Berkeley B-Side Band Night
7-10pm, The Back Room (1984 Bonita Ave, Berkeley, CA 94704)
Join us for a night of good music for a good cause! We will also be giving out resources to spread awareness of SAAPM! Tickets will be $7 during the presale and $10 at the door – all proceeds go towards supporting UG SVSH prevention efforts on campus! Artists include:
- Fistfight with Traffic
- Deva Rani
- Racoon Hospital
- Busch Wookies
Organized by The PATH to Care Center and Berkeley B-Side
More information to come on Instagram; @pathtocareucb and @berkeleybside.
Contact: Simone Pereira (simonepereira@berkeley.edu) and Eliana Galán (elianagalan@berkeley.edu)
April 16th | South Asia x SVSH Awareness
5-6:30pm, Evans Hall Rm 6
Join us in celebrating South Asian culture and raising awareness about SVSH prevention! We are hosting a community discussion to explore South Asian norms and cultures relevant to SVSH discussion and prevention. Gain perspectives from diverse backgrounds and join us afterward for a session to apply mehndhi or henna to our hands, followed by a social hour. It's a fantastic opportunity to connect with other members of the South Asian community and those dedicated to SVSH prevention on campus.
Organized by The PATH to Care Center and the ASUC Office of Senator Isabel Prasad.
Contact: Prisha Bhadra (prisha.bhadra@berkeley.edu) and Frances Chai (francesschai@berkeley.edu)
April 17th | Building Safe & Healthy Families: Seeking Safety and Supporting Your Community
5-7pm, University Village Family Resource Center
Please RSVP
Join the PATH to Care Center for a series of prevention workshops for student parents & UVA residents. Programs aim to foster safety, skills development, and community building for families at Cal. Food & children’s activities are provided!
Organized by the PATH to Care Center.
Contact: Alison Hanson, akhanson@berkeley.edu
April 19th | [Sign-up today!] FREE Intro to Impact (Women/BIPOC) Self-Defense
1-4pm, Eshleman 10
This class introduces strategies that can be helpful in the face of race-based harassment, like adrenaline management, de-escalation, and verbal boundary setting, as well as bystander intervention. The class also includes an introduction to Empowerment Self-Defense techniques, starting with the foundational skills of intuition, situational awareness, body language, and voice -- which are proven effective in increasing safety and confidence. We also cover full-force physical techniques in realistic, adrenalized scenarios. This class is led by a Whistle Instructor, who is the lead coach, and a Suited Instructor, who plays the role of mock assailant and wears a padded suit to allow students to hit full force. Physical techniques include defending against attacks from the front and being grabbed from behind. You'll leave this class feeling strong and maybe surprised by your own power and courage! This class is for BIPOC identified and presenting individuals. Open to all genders ages 16+.
Organized by Gender Equity Resource Center and ASUC Senator Prasad's Office, this workshop is taught by Impact Bay Area.
Contact: Joanna Villegas, 510-230-3254 and CSDA Program Assistants at selfdefense4all@berkeley.edu
April 24th | 2024 Berkeley Public Health Denim Day
10am-2pm, Berkeley Way West - 2121 Berkeley Way
In recognition of sexual assault awareness month, Berkeley Public Health's Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment (SVSH) Prevention Committee invites everyone to come together as a community to create a safe space of healing and support for survivors of sexual assault on Denim Day, Wed. April 24, 2024. We'll be in the first floor lobby of Berkeley Way West from 10AM-2PM providing information about SVSH, prevention, creating art, and eating snacks. We encourage everyone to wear denim!
Organized by Berkeley Public Health's Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Prevention Committee
Contact: Jessica Ross, jessica_ross@berkeley.edu
April 24th | GASA x BearLine Denim Day Info Booth & Bake Sale
10am-4pm, Upper Sproul
GASA & BearLine will be tabling on Sproul to fundraise for Bay Area SVSH prevention organizations and provide information on SVSH prevention and response resources available to the CalGreeks community and Berkeley community on large.
Organized by Greeks Against Sexual Assault & BearLine.
Contact: Paige Clark & Seemani Dash - gasa@calgreeks.com
April 24th | PATH to Care Denim Day Tabling!
10:30am-2:30pm, Upper Sproul Plaza
Join the PATH to Care Center on April 24th for Denim Day Awareness! We will be sharing information on the significance of Denim Day and the importance of SVSH prevention, sharing supportive messages to survivors, and holding a giveaway! Show up in your favorite denim outfit and show solidarity!
More information can be found on @pathtocareucb.
Organized by the PATH to Care Center in collaboration with the ASUC Sexual Violence Commission.
Contact: Eliana Galán (elianagalan@berkeley.edu) and Frances Chai (francesschai@berkeley.edu)
April 26th | [Sign-up today!] FREE Intro to Impact (Women/BIPOC) Self-Defense 
Friday, Apr 26th, 1-4pm, Eshleman Hall 240 (Practice and Performance Space)
Please sign up. You will also be asked to fill out the UCB and IMPACT Waivers (linktr.ee/selfdefense4all)
April 29th | GASA Speaker Panel
7-8pm, Valley Life Sciences Building 2040
Join GASA to learn more about work surrounding sexual violence on campus and around the Berkeley-Bay Area community at large, featuring speakers from various organization sharing their expertise and guidance on the prevention and response of SVSH.
Organized by: Greeks Against Sexual Assault
Contact: Paige Clark & Seemani Dash - gasa@calgreeks.com
- The PATH to Care Center provides affirming, empowering, and confidential support for those who have experienced sexual harassment, emotional abuse, dating and intimate partner violence, sexual assault, stalking, and sexual exploitation. For urgent 24/7 support, please call the Care Line at 510-643-2005.
- The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination oversees campus compliance with University policies prohibiting protected category discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment and violence.
- The Notice of Rights and Options (NORO) is a comprehensive guide listing the resources available on campus and locally to survivors of sexual violence and outlines the rights and options of survivors.
- The Where to Get Support Quick Guides are designed to help you quickly find survivor support resources on the UC Berkeley campus and locally.
- Survivor Support Resources
- Resource Guides
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