Closed Whistleblower Reports (non-OPHD)

174 Whistleblower reports were closed in FY24. Figure 31 depicts the different types of report closure.  Most reports did not allege improper governmental activities, even though they were reported through the Whistleblower portal. 72 of those reports were referred to the appropriate entity, such as law enforcement. Another 63 reports, after assessment, were closed after it was determined that the allegation, even if true, would not rise to the level of an improper governmental activity (nor would not warrant referral to another entity). 25 reports were closed after an investigation determined that the allegation was not substantiated. Only one report that closed in FY24 was found, after an investigation, to be substantiated.

Notes on Figure 31

Figure 31 does not include matters that were referred to OPHD; the disposition of OPHD matters is covered in the OPHD section of this report. Note also that not all of the 174 reports closed in FY24 were submitted in FY24 (see Figure 29 on the 134 reports that came in); some were submitted in a previous year. Conversely, not all reports submitted in FY24 were closed in FY24.