Dating/Domestic Violence Prevention Month

October is Dating/Domestic Violence Prevention Month

Background image: Sather Gate surrounded by Fall yellow, orange, and green leaves

UC Berkeley students, faculty, and staff will be hosting events throughoutA purple ribbon, symbolizing Domestic Violence Prevention Month the month that will equip our community with information on how to prevent dating/intimate partner/domestic violence, create a stronger culture of consent, and how to best support survivors.

UC Berkeley is dedicated to preventing and addressing dating/intimate partner/domestic violence, sexual harassment and sexual violence on campus. We believe in fostering a culture that prioritizes respect, health relationships, and consent, and responds to and supports survivors and their allies. As part of these efforts, we are working to engage all members of the university community to create a healthy and inspiring environment where violence in any form is not tolerated.

Get involved and help end dating and domestic violence.

Event Calendar

 This calendar will share events happening during Dating/Domestic Violence Prevention Month. Please check back here to learn about events you can participate in. To add your DVPM event to this calendar, please: 

  1. Review the Guide to Hosting Prevention Month Events with tips about trauma-informed, accessible, inclusive events.

  2. Complete the event submission form.

Remember My Name: Community Vigil to Shine a Light on Domestic Violence

Date: October 3, 2023 from 6-7pm

Location: UVA Amphitheater 

This gathering serves as a meaningful opportunity to honor the memory of domestic violence victims. Attendees will have the chance to contribute to a community banner, participate in a touching ceremony, and engage in a reading of the powerful poem "Remember My Name" by Kimberly Collins.

Organized by Dr. Amari McGee, Community Director, University Village Albany

Domestic Violence Prevention Month Awareness Tabling

Dates: Tuesday, October 24th and Thursday, October 26th, 11am-2pm each day

Location: Upper Sproul Plaza

To raise awareness for Domestic Violence Prevention Month, we will be tabling on Upper Sproul! Join us to learn more about the month, write supportive messages to survivors, engage in awareness campaign activities, and grab a snack!

Thursday's tabling will include a Bake Sale Fundraiser to collect donations for the PATH to Care Center's UG Prevention team. Stop by for something sweet!

For questions or to request disability accommodations, please contact Eliana Galán ( 

Organized by The PATH to Care Center in collaboration with the ASUC Office of the President, ASUC Office of the Executive Vice President, and the ASUC Sexual Violence Commission.

Speaker Event with A Safe Place, Oakland

Date: Wednesday, October 25th, 4-pm

Location: Senate Chambers, Eshleman Hall 5th Floor

Please RSVP

Our guest speaker is Carolyn Russell, the Executive Director of A Safe Place, a domestic violence shelter based in Oakland, CA. She will share her experiences and resources for domestic violence prevention in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We will also have free insomnia cookies for all attendees!

For questions or to request disability accommodations, please contact Caitlyn Guntle -

Organized by ASUC Office of Senator Caitlyn Guntle

DVPM Community Event

Date: Wednesday, October 25th, 6:30-8pm

Location: Dwinelle 87

Join us this Wednesday for a community event surrounding Domestic Violence Prevention Month! We will discuss the importance of DVPM, get to know other members of the UCB community passionate about DVPM, and create supportive messages for survivors to display on campus. Snacks will be provided! 

For questions or to request disability accommodations, please contact Frances Chai (

Organized by The PATH to Care Center in collaboration with the ASUC Senate Offices of Isabel Prasad and Lanah Duque.

Promote healthy relationships all year round

Everybody Deserves to Be Safe.

Download the following message graphics and share your with your networks!

Upholding these principles fosters an atmosphere where everyone feels safe and valued. Together, we're working towards a culture of consent, respect, and support for one another.

Everyone deserves to be safe: Most people at Berkeley want to intervene when noticing sexual violence & sexual harassment
Everyone deserves to be safe: Healthy relationships respect boundaries
Everyone deserves to be safe: Great sex starts and ends with consent