Outcomes of attempted alternative resolutions and investigations

Not all attempts to resolve a matter through alternative resolution are successful. An alternative resolution is unsuccessful in the case that a resolution is proposed to both of the parties and the parties cannot agree on the terms. In those cases, the complainant is given the choice to request a formal investigation or to not pursue the matter further. 

Only one attempt at an alternative resolution was unsuccessful in 2021-22. Three investigations were administratively closed.2

2. According to the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment, the “Title IX Officer may close an investigation before completing it if they determine that a significant change in circumstances has so substantially impaired the investigation that they cannot reach reasonably reliable conclusions about whether the alleged conduct occurred. The Title IX Officer will still, when appropriate, take steps to stop the reported conduct, prevent its escalation or recurrence, and address its effects. They will also offer as appropriate resources to the parties and Mitigating Measures to the Complainant.”