SVSH Allegations by Population

The nature of SVSH allegations varied by the status of the complainant (the impacted party). For complainants who were employees, most SVSH allegations involved sexual harassment. For complainants who were students, sexual assault was the most common SVSH allegation, followed closely by sexual harassment. These patterns, shown in the accompanying chart, are similar to what has been observed in past years.

In order for the University to carry out a resolution process, there must be a nexus between the alleged conduct and the University. If the conduct alleged in a report to OPHD did not occur in the context of a University program or activity and involved only third parties, OPHD does not have the authority to carry out a resolution process. The Other/Unknown category in the accompanying figure encompasses a number of situations, such as reports in which the affiliation of the parties in the alleged incident were unknown to OPHD or the complainant (impacted party) in the alleged incident was not affiliated with UC Berkeley, but the respondent was.