Annual Reports & Other Data

Coming Soon: 2024 Civil Rights Report

SVSH Annual Report Guiding Values

  • Addressing SVSH is a community responsibility
  • A prevention focus
  • Centering survivors 
  • Illuminating a complex system
  • Honoring those who do the work 
  • Seeking to improve

Quick data glimpses into the annual reports

For more data figures and information like this, please refer to the annual reports on this page.

Of the 893 reports of discrimination and harassment made to OPHD, 296 (33%) alleged Protected Category discrimination or harassment, and 597 (66.9%) alleged some type of sexual violence and sexual harassment (SVSH).
The PATH to Care Center advocacy services (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2022): 316 clients served; 1,548 distinct advocacy services; 93 accompaniments; 150+ hours of accompaniment

For OPHD, the above figure reflects the total number of SVSH reports made each year. For PATH to Care, the figure tracks the total number of individual clients who received advocacy services each year. (Please note that data from the PATH to Care Center was not available in the 2021-2022 academic/fiscal year.) For Social Services, the figure shows the total number of individuals (both survivors and respondents) who sought support for issues related to SVSH each year. 

Want more data? Check out the following sources

CalGreeks and Safety Factsheets

The LEAD Center (supporting student leaders, including the CalGreeks community), Berkeley Police Department, and Berkeley Fire Department communicate weekly or biweekly, enabling the groups to share information and coordinate services. They publish a CalGreeks and Safety factsheet annually: 

Data prior to 2017-18

Prior to 2018, the Communications & Public Affairs and other campus offices compiled data on a calendar year basis (linked below). The SVSH annual reports, published by the SVSH Advisor Office, are on a fiscal year basis. There were also slight variations in how data was reported over the years. Data compiled prior to 2018 and the SVSH Annual Reports are below.