As shown in Figure 20, the most common form of SVSH harm for which clients sought advocacy services from the PATH to Care Center in the 2022-23 academic/fiscal year was sexual assault (30.7%).
In Figure 20, the “Other forms of harm” category encompasses invasions of privacy, family violence (that is not intimate partner violence), online abuse, and unknown cases. It can be difficult for people to talk about experiences of SVSH and clients are not required to disclose the type of harm they experienced. It is likely for that reason that the “other forms of harm” category made up 29.2% of the total types of harm for which clients sought services from the PATH to Care Center. Dating and domestic violence and sexual harassment represented 17.6% and 15.7% of the reasons for seeking support respectively, while stalking made up 6.9%.
Clients may seek services from the PATH to Care Center for multiple forms of harm. For example, a survivor may seek help for an experience of both dating/domestic violence and stalking. Therefore, the total number in Figure 20 is higher than the total number of clients.