Who reported sexual violence and sexual harassment (2022-23)

Data about who is making reports of SVSH to OPHD sheds light on the extent to which members of the campus community are aware of their responsibility to one another, and whom survivors tell about their experience of SVSH. 

In 2022-23, Responsible Employees (employees with reporting obligations) were the majority of reporters, making up 63.8% of the SVSH reports made to OPHD (Figure 13). This high proportion of Responsible Employee reports continues a pattern observed since 2018, and is likely attributable to efforts to educate the campus community about the Responsible Employee requirement outlined in the UC SVSH Policy.

Complainants directly reported 104 or 17.4% of SVSH cases received by OPHD. Confidential resources like the PATH to Care Center do not share case information with OPHD unless given explicit permission from the client. If the client wishes, the confidential resource will provide a warm handoff to OPHD and may also accompany the client throughout the process. Such referrals from confidential resources made up 2.2% of SVSH reports. The “Other” category in Figure 13 encompassed the SVSH reports received from students and witnesses who are not Responsible Employees, the Whistleblower Hotline or Ethicspoint, people not affiliated with UC Berkeley, and external agencies.

Of 597 SVSH reports made to OPHD, 381 (63.8%) were made by responsible employees, 104 (17.4%) by the complainant, 99 (16.6%) by others/unknown, the remainder by referral from confidential resources.

Figure 13: Who reported allegations of SVSH (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023)

Of the 381 Responsible Employee reports, 72 came from Housing and Residential Life, 24 came from the Center for Student Conduct, 5 came from Human Resources, and 38 came from UCPD.